Corporate Information
Headquarter and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
Unit 1101, 11th Floor
Delta House, 3 On Yiu Street
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong
Registered Office
The Belvedere Building, 69 Pitts Bay Road,
Pembroke HM08,
Company Secretary
Mr. Wong Kit Wai, FHKICPA, ACIS
Principal Bankers
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
China Construction Bank Corporation
Baker Tilly Hong Kong Limited Certified Public Accountants
Legal Advisers
Sit, Fung, Kwong & Shum
Beijing Yingke Law Firm Shenzhen Office
Conyers Dill & Pearman
Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office
MUFG Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited
Hong Kong Share Registrar
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor
Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East
Wanchai , Hong Kong